This week has been a week of healing and recovery, for me mentally and for a few very special little kids.
I have been utterly amazed at the amount of support that has been poured out this week. It's tragic when something like this happens, and even more heartbreaking when there are children involved. All are recovering. The little girl who had lost part of her leg remains at Stanford Medical Center in the Bay area. She has not become conscious as of yet and still needs a ton of prayer. She is six years old...
Two of the other children, ages 9 and 15 months were treated and released suffering minor injuries.
Little hanging in there! :) I just received word that he'll have to go back in to the OR next week for a skin graft on his little leg. His right leg is broken so both are in casts. I had the honor of getting in to see him Wednesday afternoon and i just wanted to hold his little hand. He is SUCH a doll! I took in a bag of goodies for him to play with while he's in a hospital bed. Nick carefully (and wisely) picked up a box set of dinosaurs which has since been Bob's favorite! ...Such a crappy thing for a 3 year old to go through. I know that many of us wish this could all just go away...
Bob's mom, who was driving the car seemed to be in pretty good spirits during my visit. I think that she has accepted the fact that the most important thing she should concentrate on right now is her child getting better. And he's getting better and better by the day.

I am SO ready for a three day weekend! ...not that I have much "down" time...but at least I'll be doing enjoyable activities and not answering phones in an office! :)
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