Saturday, November 29, 2008

Four Days of Enjoyment...

I have had SUCH an incredible four day break (well, break from the "full time" job, the part time is better than one could imagine...). Thanksgiving Day was very low-key, "simple" and the stuffing my mom made this year was amazing! I tried taking pictures of the actual food, but have you ever had that feeling that if you take one more bite, you're going to lose the whole meal? I was there, and the picture gave me that feeling, so I have nothing...except the "I ate so much I think I'm going to die" look from my brother Josh.

After lunch the kids went out to ride their bikes.

...and then Nick had to play with his new toy while Landon checked out the wagon (which isn't new).

I accomplished quite a bit of cleaning...which even though it's work, always makes me feel good. There's nothing like the smell of "accomplishment" by having a clean place! (even if it only lasts a few hours!)

Then...I offered to help my dad put up Christmas lights. If you ever want to see my dad get upset...assist him with this task!!!

But it was really good "bonding" time, if I do say so myself! (Actually, I say hire someone to put up lights for you every year!!!) Here's project completion...

In between I couldn't resist taking some shots around the house

AND...I get to post a picture of one of the kids I absolutely adore and got to love on a bit this now you can see just why I love my childcare job so much!!!

As for the finale of my four days off, I spent a few hours catching up with a friend of mine. It was really nice to be able to sit down and simply enjoy one another's company. (she may send me a bill for the "counseling session"...but that's ok, it was worth it) Hopefully we can make it a priority to get together more often.

And if that wasn't enough...I had the opportunity to chat with an even "older" friend (from my past). There's nothing better than getting a phone call from someone you haven't spoken to in years and being able to pick up the friendship as if it's only been a few days since you last spoke.

Life is good...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Blessings

"God is a blessing that permeates our entire being, everywhere and all the time. But it is not enough that God blesses us; we have to receive the blessing gracefully to experience it fully. How we receive something is as important as what we are receiving. If we accept a gift with genuine gratitude and humility, giving praise and honor to the giver, then our bounty will increase. When we simply take a gift for granted, however, not giving thanks, then our good will be shrunk. How many times have we casually minimized an opportunity, not recognizing some awesome gift of life and love until it was too late?
...Who among us has never thrown away a blessing, too cocky and spoiled, perhaps, to see it for what it was?
...I consider what miracles I am underestimating now, happening all around me yet unacknowledged and unpraised. It seems to me the biggest crisis that faces us-certainly that faces me-is a crisis of faith.
I forget that the God who paints those sunsets and keeps the sun in the sky and turns the embryo into a baby is active in my life as well. It is because of my own mental fatigue, the failure of my own imagination, that I fail sometimes to connect the dots between the problems that beset my life and God's infinite power to solve them."
"The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson

I know...I used another piece of reading material for my blog. Is that so bad?
I read this after I had been pondering my "Thanksgiving" post and ironically it tied in with what I was thinking about. Coincidence?
So the repetitive question we all hear, reserved for this single day of the year...
"What is it that you're thankful for?"
First of all, I am thankful that I serve a God Who is much bigger than what I would perceive as my biggest problem, or question, or fear, or pain.
I am grateful that there is Someone working behind the scenes, on my behalf, all the time.
I am humbled that I can make a bad decision, take a wrong turn, and temporarily lose focus of the things that truly matter, and yet be offered undeserving grace, mercy and compassion because He loves me as much as He does.
And I am incredibly blessed that He has hand-picked individuals and placed them in my life, to serve as my family and friends.
My parents...we may not always see eye to eye on things and have had our share of frustrations and misunderstandings, but regardless of any anger, disappointments or pain I may have "inflicted" upon them at any given year of my life, they have countered it with an unconditional love. I am grateful to have two godly, loving parents, who only want what's best for their children...and even if they don't think their children can see that, their intentions don't go unnoticed.
My brothers...I've said it before...God definitely knew that I wouldn't have been able to handle having a sister, so He gave me the gift of three brothers instead. And I wouldn't have wanted it any other way! Although we've "butted heads" as siblings do, you have all been there, whether it was to "protect" or support me when I needed it the most. I love the three of you more than you know!
My "not so little anymore" greatest blessing of all. I hope that you will continue to grow into a young man overflowing with love and compassion for others. I am so proud of you for the way that you see people, things and situations with such innocent eyes. And I love how you view life as though it is a great gift...because it is. And my life has been given the greatest gift of all, because you are a part of it! I love "infinity and beyond!!!"
My friends...I am so thankful to have friends that are there for me to laugh with, to encourage me when I need it, as well as to "call me out" at times when I can't see the "bigger" picture. I am grateful beyond words for the countless number of times that you've been there for me, not to criticize, not to judge or condemn, but simply to allow me the opportunity to just be "me." I hope that in some way I can be to each of you who you have been to me.
There you have Thanksgiving blessings.
Hope you all have had a great day...and that you have been able to take some time today to reflect on yours!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Just a Thought

This is going to be a "simple" post...but hopefully the "message" that comes with it will give you a glimmer of hope as it has me.
This excerpt was taken from a book entitled, "The Gift of Change...Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life" by Marianne Williamson.
I for one have needed to be reminded of this paragraph, especially in recent days.
Enjoy...(and the pictures just sort of reminded me of the message)

"We will inhabit the world we choose to see, and that is why it is so important that we never lose sight of love. As we read about war, let's not forget the beauty of a sunset.

When we think about the state of the world, let's not forget how many people fell in love today.

God never loses His enthusiasm for life, and neither should we.
Beneath the surface of worldly happenings, people continue to smile at each other and mean it,

have babies, create art, forgive each other, become more enlightened, laugh, grow wise,
and love in spite of it all.

In a world that seems split in two between fear and love, our greatest power lies in sharpening our own focus. Some things in the world today are very, very dark; what the world needs now is more people who are working for the light."

...on my way to work this morning, God once again got my attention...

Although you may not be able to see it very clearly...there was some fog lingering in the field...which caused me to think about how the sun burns the fog away and when it does, we can see things more clearly...kind of like Someone I know does the same!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I took Nick out again today, hoping to capture a few more
"fall moments". Unfortunately the trees are losing their leaves...
but we did have a great time, and took in some pretty interesting sights!
The first shot is the Yuba River...if you look closely you can see someone fishing.
Nick walked around a bit and threw rocks...then started his own
little landslide as he kicked rocks into the river below...
Further down the road we found part of an old tree...
sometimes the best shots of him are the ones when I don't
even ask him to "pose".

(see what I mean?)

And then, we found this wall...not sure if it was an old bridge or part of an old dam...but now it had been turned into graffiti wall.

Nick seemed to enjoy himself...don't worry, there was no paint in the can he's holding...
but it was too good not to snap a picture of.

Another shot of the river

I fell in love with this tree but was afraid the picture wouldn't turn out that well

I'm not quite sure what this even was. It reminded me of the underpass we had on the farm to move the livestock through. I just thought it was kind of cool...

This was a little pond...and the reflections in the water caught my attention as well as the two little boys standing around it.

Another old building that was pretty "eye-catching" and so were the paintballers...they looked like a S.W.A.T. team

...and colorful leaves

Last shots for the day...and I chose to post this one because it shows a "reflective" side of my son...I adore those expressions.

Hope you enjoyed walking through our day with us as much as we enjoyed the discoveries.

Monday, November 17, 2008


...truly is everything!
I had such a frustrating day today. And not just for mere minutes,
but ALL day!!! drive home from work.
God hand delivered a "moment" to me
that absolutely took my breath away.

I mean, really. I was on a portion of my drive in which I could
actually pull my car over and get these shots...

...and this is when He gently reminded me, that regardless of my frustrations, still God. And He gives us so many "moments"...we just need to open our minds and hearts to see them.

May your days be filled with moments such as these...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Beautiful Day

I have to admit, I'm in the middle of a massive cleaning spree, but today was way too nice of a day to spend inside. So, I took Nick and my nephew out on a little adventure. The irony is...the place we went is approximately 5 minutes from we were able to enjoy the great outdoors without spending much time driving.
We headed down to the levee and took a little hike. This...was our destination.

The kids had a ball, but I think were a little irritated with me having them stop every five minutes for a "photo shoot". What can I say? When you have two adorable kids with can you not take pictures of them?!

After observing this photo...I came to discover that there is no possible way you can deny the fact that they're blood related!

This is another shot of Shanghai Bend...a "closer look" but not too close! It truly is a beautiful place. And for as dry as it's been in California, it was amazing that the water was flowing the way that it was...

And this is one of the frequent looks that I got when I asked the boys to pose. "C' we have to take another one? It's hot out here. And I'm thirsty!"

When we left the river we strolled through an orchard to walk to my brother's house. Everyone has they're own thing they really enjoy taking pictures of...mine are flowers, plants, and leaves...

We then left my brother's house to journey back home (to a cluttered mess I might add...) but we noticed there were a handful of firetrucks parked at the base of the levy, so our curiosities were sparked and we decided to check things out...

Turns out that they were just training, but it was really intriguing to sit and watch them for awhile (and get some pretty decent shots).
So there you have apartment is still trashed...but I'm perfectly ok with that...there's always tomorrow. I'm really glad that I didn't miss the opportunity to get out today, and enjoy God's creation, the amazing weather, and spending time with the kids.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Twelve Years Ago Today...

My little 8 lb 15oz Nick made his way into my today is all about him.

I can honestly say that I don't know where all the years have gone...
and yet, I can remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.
Even before I "met" him, he has truly been such a huge blessing in my life...

I don't think anyone ever fully knows the joys that children bring, until they become a parent.

I mean, really...when you're a parent, you get to play "dress up" with your kids...just like your parents used to do with you!!! I have to be honest here...even as a little jester, he was still absolutely adorable!

...Typically, your children take on some sort of their parent's traits. My son? Was so unfortunate to be blessed with my gift of uncoordination and knack for being accident prone. This kid saw more time in the emergency room the first two years of his life than some people see in a lifetime!

But no matter what...he always seems to have room for a smile.

I would say that one of the greatest attributes about him is the love, compassion and devotion he has for his family. (I guess that totals three...oh well)

From a very young age and to this day, there is no place he'd rather be, or no one he'd rather be around than his family. Loves his grandma and grandpa with all that he has, and lives for the moments he can spend time with his cousins.

The other love that he for the "Great American Pastime"...BASEBALL

One of the greatest experiences he's ever had was having the opportunity to be coached by his very own uncle, and play on a team with his cousin while we lived in Jacksonville...Back when baseball was "simple" and "fun"...and the little ones were so stinking cute!!!

And one can't live in the south and not hunt! We didn't make it out too much while we were there, but I can guarantee you...those memories will stay with my son forever!

...But he's growing up...a "pre-teen" as he would say. And I'm proud of him for who he is and who I know he'll become. (even on those "bad days") Just as I can recall his arrival into the world, I can easily recall what I was like when I was his age...and I'm sure that soon his grandparents will be telling him stories.

The one thing I think I laugh about most when I think about his life, is that some things never change...

I love you, Nick. With all that I have...and even when you have those days when you don't think that I'll one day understand. Happy birthday!!!

p.s. I'm not sure why this says I posted it on the for those of you who are thinking that I can't even remember my son's birthday...I fully realize it is today, the 13th!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall Fun... what's not to love about the fall? Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. As a child, it meant that Christmas was soon approaching which in turn meant that my birthday was right around the corner. I still have the great anticipation for the Christmas season. My birthday? Not so much!!!
Fall means cooler weather (which means lower electric bills!) and cozy evenings in front of a fire. It displays a beautiful array of colors, and there's even something about the "smell" of autumn! This year, it meant...

I'm telling you...these "babies" are THE BEST! Unfortunately for those of us on the left, I mean "west" coast, you can't find them. FORTUNATELY, I have some kind of connection east of the Mississippi and was lucky enough to score a plethora boxes. They are like a caramel apple wrapped up in a little pellet of pure sugar! They're amazing...

This is a picture of the Incredible "Hunk"

And my very own personal "Clone Warrior"

Even though I have the privilege of working with these kids all year long...I'm finding they are particularly adorable this time of year. And for obvious reasons I can't post pictures of them online...but I think this next one is pretty "safe".

How could you not love a job that you get to tickle little toes like these?

And there's nothing better than having a child holding up their arms, beckoning you to lift them up and simply love on them. *sigh*

So today after church, we decided to take the puppy to the park and let him stretch his legs a bit. I felt like I may have missed my opportunity to catch some fall shots...and then I stumbled upon this...

Need I say more?