I spent Labor Day afternoon at my parents for a bit. It was just the two of them, my brother Josh, Nick, and I and it was a great time! Josh and Nick played around out back for a while which was fun to watch. 
I was able to sit down and study the Bible a bit, and I chose to read through John and Acts...the humor of Jesus really struck me. Or rather the thought of a) standing around in a room with other apostles, doors locked and all of a sudden, **poof** there's Jesus, standing in the middle of the circle of friends. How crazy would that have been? Or b) being Peter...sleeping on a floor in a jail cell when all of a sudden he's being poked in his side by an angel saying, "Hey Peter...wake up! We need to move." It just made me laugh...
And then there was Friday night high school football, which I'm kinda hoping becomes a tradition! We went to the Sutter/River Valley game. Poor Nick...I wouldn't let him wear his RV jersey because I knew I'd be sitting on the Sutter side. What to do? His RVJF team is SO GOOD...and there are pretty high expectations if that team stays together throughout high school. However, being a small town gal, I'd really like for him to attend a smaller, more intimate high school, like Sutter. I have a year and a half to make that decision, but I suppose I shouldn't stress too much about it because a lot could change during that time. Anyway... I had the awesome opportunity to spend most of the game hanging out with a few of the younger girls from church, and I LOVED it! Stepping away from helping out with high school youth group was tough for me for this very reason. Friday night was a reminder to me of the importance of staying connected with them! We're thinking of making it a frequent thing...not so much for the football, but for the opportunity to connect and catch up.
I did reach a point in my week when I wanted to kick myself in the tail...hard, and asked myself (at least 50 times a day) "what on earth was I thinking?!" I don't have a ton of those moments...but this week has been haunting. And to ADD to that, I discovered in a conversation with my mamma this weekend, that she and my dad went through similar things. Ugh...it's the shallow-ness that stings! :)
Saturday, Nick had his third game of the season. The Junior Falcons pulled off a 29-0 win and are now 3-0. I don't understand football all that much, and get an absolute KICK out of asking my dad "Mr. All American Football Player," questions during a game. Better than that...I thoroughly enjoy the banter between him and my mom. I wish I could have been a fan in the stands when my mom and dad were dating...dad playing, mom cheering. How cute they must have been!(I will post pictures of the next few topics later....my blog is having issues, and I'm getting a tad sleepy!)
Saturday night, I was able to jam out of church early and catch my brother's show at the river bottoms. Ah...they get better and better every time I see them live. I can not describe the emotions I feel when I watch my baby brother on stage!!!
And today...we got to go see Bob in the hospital! I can not wait for him to get well. He is one of the most incredible kids in the world! UC Davis pediatric unit is one amazing place. So many kids...with different stories, different health issues, some with family...some without. I was cracking up today at the cuteness of Bob's "roomie." I sure would like to know his "story" but even without it...he touched my heart. With a curtain separating the two of them, he has become Bob's "best friend" and today, he became a blessing to me. Cute as a bug...and possessed all of the curiosity imaginable for a child of his age. After several moments of silence from his side of the room, I decided to walk over and take a peek at him. This little man had reached over and grabbed his desitin and was painting it all over his little body! I know I shouldn't have...but I busted up in laughter! (Then...we informed a nurse.)It was so stinking cute! As was little Bob...
So...a great week. A pretty incredible week, all the way around. I am loving life, loving family, and loving dear friends.
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