Friday, June 19, 2009


I had the t.v. on this morning while I was getting ready for work (as I always do) and they were talking about this new iPhone that Apple released today...

First of all, I LOVE CW31. It is the only news I will watch...because it's not so depressing all the time. They touch on the headlines, and then it's pure comedy!

But this new iPhone....didn't Apple just release the iPhone like...a year or so ago? They already have to make something "new" and "more improved?" I am so old do you "improve" a cell phone? You dial a number, you talk, and you hang up. ??? So you have texting as a feature...aren't the letters on an "improved" phone the same as they are on a regular phone? (I'll be here all week...)

Anyway, they were interviewing people that had been waiting in line for hours...just to get this phone. There was this guy that said something like, "It's new. I don't need it, but I have to have any new technology that comes out."


I think I literally spit toothpaste out of my mouth when he said that....and then I thought, "Now that may be a great thing to blog about!"

I am not totally ignorant. I briefly checked this phone out...and yes, it looks nice.

The issue I'm having trouble with was this guy's comment. I've heard comments like that before..."I don't need it, but it's new so I have to have it." me. I have family members that live by this philosophy. My question is why? Really...why?! just so happens that this was something I have been working through in my "why" questions! (See...God helped me a little today by giving me a clue in where to start!)

I've been reading this book, "Life's Questions with Answers From the Bible" and one of the words it talks about is the word "need."

"All humans have basic needs that must be met in order to survive: food, water, shelter, and love. Needs are different than "wants" in that when our needs are met, we can be content and satisfied. Wants, even when fulfilled, can often leave us unsatisfied, discontent, and desiring more. Wants are not always negative but when they oppose God's desires they can become fuel for the fires of jealousy, covetousness, deceit, materialism, or other sins that result when we become obsessed with getting what we want. Our needs can often allow God to show his power and provision through us and teach us that God is sufficient. Learning to recognize the difference between needs and wants allows us to find contentment in living by God's sustaining power and provision."

Hmmm.... son (who has no idea I am blogging about this) just asked me if he can get the env2 phone when our contract expires...(we have Verizon!)

Why do we become obsessed with such things?

I remember what it was like at that age. It wasn't about cell phones or ipods...but we had an Atari, and a record player...and a TRS80 computer (for those of you who don't know what that is, it was basically a keyboard and a monitor...we literally had to type in the program in order to "create" a game....seriously! (I wish we still had it!)) I had barbie dolls and my brothers had GI Joe. When I was going into junior high, the Coca Cola shirts were big...and I was fortunate to own a few...the fads weren't cell phones, they were friendship beads and bracelets. We passed notebooks back and forth in school...between friends. It's amazing where 23 years can take you!

But what about the basics?

[The Lord] said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8

"You must learn to distinguish the difference between wants and needs.When you understand what you truly need and see how God provides, you will realize how much he truly cares for you. God doesn't promise to give you a lot of possessions, but he does promise to help you possess the character traits that reflect his nature so that you can accomplish his plan for you."

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. Philippians 4:11-12

Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have. Hebrews 13:5

"You will never be content if you focus on your wants, because you will always want more. That is why the Lord promises to supply all your needs, not your wants. The more you focus on what the Lord values, the more you will be able to distinguish your wants from your needs. If you constantly feel discontented, you may be focusing more on what you want than on what God knows is best for you." (ouch)

God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3

"When the Lord reaches out to supply your needs, you will grow in your trust of him. The problem comes when you look for your wants to be met and completely miss all the needs God is meeting in your life. As you learn to value God's priorities, you will learn not to be seduced by the world's." (ouch again...)

....teaching a 12 year old this is a little difficult...especially when I have a hard time distinguishing the difference between wants and needs myself.

I consider myself to be simple...I don't need name brand clothing, if I do own any I purchased it at Marshalls. I've had the same cell phone for three years...but I have a cell phone.

My wants aren't material things. I don't "need" to be in a relationship, yet part of me does find myself a little jealous/envious when I see two people that are deeply in love. ...something I "need" to work on! :)

Take an inventory on what you have in your life...I think most will be surprised to see that we don't set the best example. I know I fail but I have a child to raise and I want to get it right! :)

...just something to think about.

1 comment:

M. Todd Moore said...

"Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart."
-Psalms 37:4

"Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you."
-Matthew 7:7

I ask God for all kinds of things: needs, wants, desires, direction... whatever. Sometimes He gives me what I want right away. Sometimes He never answers. I don't think people ask often enough, and this holds true for everyday life as well.

Speaking of gadgets, I have mobile broadband for my laptop so that I can do my schoolwork on the road. There is a limit to how much I am allowed to upload/download each month and I went over the limit, to the tune of an extra $800. So I emailed and called and ASKED if they would drop the charges, since it was my first 'offense' and I was a loyal customer blah, blah, blah. Next thing I know, they dropped the extra charge and only my normal bill was due.

A lot of people are afraid to ask. Same with God. Will He give us everything? No, but the point is to ask.