Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May Vacation...Day #3

...ok, so as I'm blogging, it is currently 90 degrees in my apartment. It is definitely cooler outside right now. First thing I'm going to do tomorrow is contact management and demand a new air conditioner. This is getting just a tad ridiculous!

After having two extremely clear days in San Francisco, the fog rolled in and it was much cooler than it had been. (what I wouldn't give for the cool air right now!)

We had decided to take a drive to the Muir Woods and go for a hike. This is what the Golden Gate Bridge looked like when we drove over it.

I didn't plan very well for hiking conditions, but was a trooper (in my opinion) anyway!

Everything was so green throughout the park and it was really nice to get out and into fresh air!

Here is a glimpse of the "fun" we had:

After hiking back (and "up") a ways we came to a point when the trail separated. The trail we were on was called "Ocean View Trail" but didn't have an actual "view" of the ocean because of the fog. We decided to hike a little further anyway and it turned out to be a nice little jaunt.

This little guy stayed still long enough to let me get a handful of pictures. I thought about catching him and bringing him home but Chris was scared of him, so I let him be! :)

On the return hike, we decided to check out the other trail:

Don't worry, it wasn't a "literal" meaning!

Here are a few shots of the hike back down:

Think about this: If a (redwood) tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? My guess is that when this "mac daddy" fell it was loud and the ground shook just a bit!

We made it in, through, and out of the Muir Woods without any mishaps which should be shocking to anyone who really knows me and my lack of being coordinated. After I reached 100, I lost track of how many times I tripped! But no scrapes, bruises, or broken bones!

After we left we drove into this little town called Mill Valley for some lunch. We opted for a little bakery/cafe. As soon as we walked through the door and saw the "bakery" part, we knew we couldn't go wrong with lunch either!

I decided to order a Panini which turned out to be the best one I've ever had!

I was practically a bottomless pit when it came to eating so I figured, "why not go for the zillion calorie triple chocolate mousse?"

We walked around a bit and then headed back into the city, stopping by some old military batteries. By the was still foggy!

I could have stood on this dock the entire trip and taken pictures. I loved it! It's like we had a 360 degree view of the entire Bay...

We ended day #3 with dinner at Chinatown. I have never been to Chinatown, so this was exciting. (I think the waiter got the impression I had never eaten Chinese food, period!)

Another great day...
Next day's adventure...Ft. Bragg

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