So this past weekend we finally had the opportunity to take advantage of our "visitation rights" with Bosco and ventured out to his new home to take him for a walk.
It has been almost two months since we have seen him and Nick has been so worried that Bosco would forget who he was. However, as soon as we arrived he was literally all over Nick and I. It was incredible, and kind of sad at the same time.
He is in a GREAT place. I have always been a dog-lover, and as a kid we always had one (or two...and even 18 at one time!) but living in an apartment and working two jobs, I soon realized it's not fair to the dog. So we found a new home for him, with so much room to run and just be a puppy! I am so grateful to have friends that take such great care of him and the best part is, we can visit whenever we want. I can't wait to take the opportunity to do that again!

...Nick giving Bosco some love....
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