Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello World

I am a big fan of Lady Antebellum. A really, REALLY big fan. Not in a psychotic way, but I am a sucker for harmony. Period. And when this group was introduced to radio a few years ago I was hooked. Instantly.

This video is their latest single and I can't get enough of it...

One of the things I am most grateful for in my life, is to have eyes that are constantly on the "look out" and a heart that is ready to embrace the moments that surround me on an every day basis. I love looking for God's miracles and the manner in which He speaks directly to my core. I am somewhat guarded, but I believe in opening my heart to those God places in my life.


For the past month, I have seen someone bundled up in a sleeping bag, sleeping on the steps of a church in freezing temperatures. The first time I witnessed this, I cried. Not because it was cold and this person was undoubtedly homeless, although that is heart wrenching in itself. I cried because the one place this person chooses to unroll his sleeping bag and rest for the night is under the cross. Whether or not they choose to do so for that reason or not, I don't know. But the symbolism that God revealed to me is that whatever our circumstances are in this life, when we choose to surrender every ounce of them, He gives us rest.

You know that old saying, "When one door closes, another one opens" ? I have literally seen that occur in my life this past year and it has been absolutely one of the most amazing feelings ever! I don't know where the "corridor" is going to lead me, but I have walked through the door and have begun one of the greatest journeys I have ever embarked on throughout the course of my life. I am extremely excited to see what this next year is going to bring and overwhelmed with how incredibly fortunate I have been in such a short amount of time. It's amazing to think about the blessings that come forth when you merely open your heart to receive them.

Last week on my flight home from Puerto Rico, I was sitting on the plane surrounded by a fairly young family. There were three children, of which included a set of twins. They all took their turns swapping seats between mom and dad. Dad was in my section and was the most phenomenal story teller ever. I sat and listened to him make up his own story as each child sat mesmerized and hung on to every word that came out of his mouth. He and his wife apologized quite often during the 5 hour flight for their children's' behaviors and I responded by saying that it was perfectly fine and that I work with kids. I thought it was wonderful to witness the love these children had for their parents.

About halfway through the flight, the oldest girl was sitting next to me. She would compliment me on "how good" I was at my word seek book. She asked me if I knew any Spanish words, because she was beginning her own little list of translations. She told me about their trip to Puerto Rico and visiting the rain forest. We even played a few games of Go Fish. Before the flight was over, I had even learned about the boy she had a crush on.

As we scurried off the plane, I walked up to her and told her that it was very nice meeting her. She responded with a gigantic hug...

It's been a week, and she may not even remember sitting next to me on the plane. But I will remember little Sophie for quite a while. God used her to remind me of the innocence that I often times forget about.

Simplicity. Affection. Honesty.

Most days I'm afraid to make eye contact with a complete stranger. For a few hours that day, a little 8 year old girl treated me as though I was her very best friend...

What am I so afraid of?

To the world you may just be one person...but to that one person you just might be the world.

A smile and a hello can make a huge difference to someone. A few dollars or some loose change given to the stranger on the street corner could provide a hot cup of coffee and something to eat on a cold day. A simple gesture of hope could quite possibly save a life.

I think that's more than enough of a reason to step out of our "comfort" zones...

God gave me this life. He hands me blessings every day. What am I doing in response to his love? Do I bottle it all up and store it away like a selfish pack rat or do I pay that love forward into the lives of the people he places all around me?

This world has way too many opportunities for us to just walk away from. Embrace those opportunities. Love on people.

You may just bump into a miracle in the making...

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