He's smart...he's witty...he's compassionate...and he's beautiful inside and out. And trust me, when he's old enough to discover an interest in girls, there will be a thorough screening process in which they will have to get through ME to get to him. Because he'll be more than just a "catch."
I found his very first pair of cowboy boots today...and about cried.
I was a little nervous before the big game against Sutter, so I snuck outside for a bit and grabbed some shots around the house...
2:00 game time...Nor-Cal Division championship against Sutter. Here's a little "history" on why I'm not too fond of Sutter Athletics (speaking for my son's age group...Sutter High School athletics, I respect). And it's not so much the athletic department as it is the coaching staff. I have to laugh because it's as though they carry on as a teenage "click" would. They all coach together, no matter what sport, and they all try to live life vicariously through their own kids.
A few years ago I had reached my tolerance limit, and I vowed to never allow my child to play on their league ever again. He was once a player under these coaches "authority." And I know I may step on some toes when I voice my opinion (just remember, that it IS my opinion) but I have a HUGE problem with coaches NOT letting kids be kids in little league. They are going to spend the rest of their lives chained to the meaning of the word "competition." Be it as they grow up to play sports, and later as they go out in the world looking for jobs. When they are kids...let them BE kids.
And as a single mom, it is especially important to have male role models in your child's life that will help teach them the values of good sportsmanship and courtesy. NOT anger. To build the children UP...and not tear them down with words and foul language. Thus the reason to transfer leagues and take a season off of baseball. Thus my sour attitude against Sutter little league.
"We don't pray to win. If we play well, and the Lord's willing...we will."
And he would also pray that no one on either team would get injured. It was a simple prayer, but it was a prayer nonetheless. And I respected him for taking the time to do so.
This was the view of the River Valley Junior Falcons as they took the field on Saturday:
Sadly, I think it will be a few years before some kids realize the meaning of "American pride" but as an adult, seeing this every Saturday for the past four months has been a blessing.
River Valley was defeated by Sutter 8-6. They lost on a "safety." They played their hearts out and walked away with their heads held high. And as well they should have. What I saw this football season, was a group of kids being led by a handful of men with integrity, with values, and with heart. And I am proud of the entire River Valley organization...for doing what's most important, and doing it well.
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