Ok...so this morning the drive to work was off to a great start. Nick is getting better at becoming a morning person (well...after I shake him for five minutes he's up and moving anyway). But the drive was going well, I was making good time, and then...traffic on a four lane interstate at 65 mph came to an abrupt halt. First of all, they have been re-paving Hwy 99 for well over a month now. I often wonder how it is that my tires are still holding up. I have acquired chip #9 in my windshield (after going through at least one windshield a year, I am determined to get my money's worth out of this one!) and I think that once the road is complete I am going to visit the chiropractor and send Cal Trans the bill. :)
So I hit a traffic jam, approximately 10 miles from Sacramento. At 7:30 I am sitting in my car, crawling at less than 1 mph. I look ahead and can see the skyline, thinking to myself, "That's where I need to be. THAT'S my destination. At this pace, it will be noon before I make it to work. What could possibly be holding up traffic? If I parked my car, I could walk faster than these cars are moving!" Then a Harley comes blasting between my lane and the next. "Jerk! Here I am with nowhere to go, and this hot shot can move right up the middle without losing any valuable time..." Then I glanced at the skyline again...I want to be there, not here.
And so I sat. I looked to the west, at the airport and watched planes taking off, destination unknown. "A vacation would be nice..." I grabbed my camera, thinking I would try and snap a picture of the miles and miles of headlights that were behind me. "Now if I did that, the guy in the car next to me might think I'm one odd woman..." And then I glanced to the east. "Gosh...for as long as I'm going to be sitting here, a decent sunrise would help pass the time..." and that's when my eyes fixed on two herons soaring over the rice fields, which would have been a GREAT picture, but I was so deeply in awe at following the movement of their wings that my brain stopped functioning. I've never really watched a heron fly, and I haven't the slightest clue as to why I've never noticed them before, but they are the most graceful birds I think I've ever seen. It was literally as if they were "soaring"...not doing much work at all. They flew with such grace and beauty. At that moment, I decided I could be stuck in traffic all day and wouldn't mind at all.
My life moves a lot like this kind of morning. Stuck in traffic, knowing where I want to go, where I "need" to go but not having any other option than to sit...and "wait." Off in the distance I can see the destination, but I can't reach it. "Yet." It's not my time...
A little over a week ago, I was chatting with a girl from the church on facebook. I inquired about a possible "relationship" interest that I had caught wind of. As my luck would have it, she responded by saying that it never really took off and just prior to me asking about it, they had decided that it wasn't the right timing. She is 18 years old, he is 19. I have known the two of them for years, and have ALWAYS thought highly of him...and I have ALWAYS commented on the beautiful girl she is, and what a perfect catch she is going to be for one lucky man. They both have a solid relationship with the Lord and would be absolutely adorable together. And then I was so proud of the fact that these young adults could come together in a respectable way and mutually agree that the timing wasn't right. I know that decision doesn't make them feel that much better, but it is SO commendable to those around them. Teenagers can "get it" ...why, at times do I fail to do the same?
I absolutely adore this girl. And at the end of the conversation, she thanked me for being who I am, and mentioned that she admired me... I wish Nick were a little older! :)
Sometimes I think I'm about as messed up as they come...but most times, regardless of being "messed up" I am so blessed to be where I am.
I love kids...I love mentoring, and I love caring for the younger ones. Tonight at church, a girl had made me a beaded bracelet with a heart-shaped charm that said "I am Blessed" on one side and "Faith" on the other. I will cherish this bracelet for the rest of my life.
I am truly, truly blessed. To be plugged in to a church that has such a passion for the youth. To be given the opportunity to pour part of my life into the lives of kids that are accustom to living lives of addiction. Blessed to have the opportunity to look at a parent in the eye and say, "You have an amazing kid!" I don't think life gets much better than that!
So why not take in the beauty that surrounds me? Sometimes I forget...and sometimes, thankfully God sends me His subtle reminders. He knows the desires of my heart and He knows the destination I'm heading to. And by His grace, He gives me blessings of encouragement and beauty to bask in while I'm stuck in the commute...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Week in Review
A few months ago I learned that Casting Crowns would be making another northern California appearance. The very first time I saw them live was about three years ago...then again, it may have been four years ago. It's been a while! My first experience was shared with my cousin and a close friend. It was one of the best concerts I had ever been to, so from that moment on, I knew if they toured close enough to attend, I would be there! The second and third time I saw them live, it was because a friend of mine was touring with them as a production manager. So I was fortunate to sneak in to those shows. The fourth concert I attended (gosh...I sound like a groupie!) was dubbed a girls night out in which I took a handful of youth girls that I absolutely adore. This show marked #5 for me and was also a girls night out with some friends of mine from the church. We grabbed dinner and then headed to the show.
The tickets were courtesy of a friend which was a blessing in itself. As I picked up the tickets from will call, it was a totally unexpected surprise, and "bonus" because included in the envelope were four meet and greet passes for us. I don't know who was more excited out of the four of us. Speaking for myself, it wasn't so much an "excitement" as it was the reality that my friend, who I hadn't spoken to in over a month was the one who made all of this happen. Who made all of this so...special.
The first thing we noticed about "this guy," was his t-shirt. I don't think he wanted to give us the info on where he purchased it and I even joked around about it being a "specialty" shirt, made just for him (which he admitted he wished that were true, but he purchased it off the rack.")
The following are some pictures I had taken in color but wanted to see how they'd turn out in black and white. Although the lighting for the show was incredible.

Casting Crowns is by far, my favorite Christian group, period. If you've never listened to their work, you're missing out. If you ever have the chance to see them live, I strongly suggest seizing the opportunity. They are so talented, so humble, and so right on with their ministry. You will walk away feeling so blessed, so convicted, and so challenged.
Today at church, we had a visitor! :) Bob came rolling in on his wheelchair!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A Great Week!
Do you ever feel as though you wished you could "bottle up" certain feelings and memories and keep them forever? I am finishing up a week that has made me feel that way. I don't know why, and I don't particularly know what has made it so special...but it has been.

I spent Labor Day afternoon at my parents for a bit. It was just the two of them, my brother Josh, Nick, and I and it was a great time! Josh and Nick played around out back for a while which was fun to watch. 
I was able to sit down and study the Bible a bit, and I chose to read through John and Acts...the humor of Jesus really struck me. Or rather the thought of a) standing around in a room with other apostles, doors locked and all of a sudden, **poof** there's Jesus, standing in the middle of the circle of friends. How crazy would that have been? Or b) being Peter...sleeping on a floor in a jail cell when all of a sudden he's being poked in his side by an angel saying, "Hey Peter...wake up! We need to move." It just made me laugh...
And then there was Friday night high school football, which I'm kinda hoping becomes a tradition! We went to the Sutter/River Valley game. Poor Nick...I wouldn't let him wear his RV jersey because I knew I'd be sitting on the Sutter side. What to do? His RVJF team is SO GOOD...and there are pretty high expectations if that team stays together throughout high school. However, being a small town gal, I'd really like for him to attend a smaller, more intimate high school, like Sutter. I have a year and a half to make that decision, but I suppose I shouldn't stress too much about it because a lot could change during that time. Anyway... I had the awesome opportunity to spend most of the game hanging out with a few of the younger girls from church, and I LOVED it! Stepping away from helping out with high school youth group was tough for me for this very reason. Friday night was a reminder to me of the importance of staying connected with them! We're thinking of making it a frequent thing...not so much for the football, but for the opportunity to connect and catch up.
I did reach a point in my week when I wanted to kick myself in the tail...hard, and asked myself (at least 50 times a day) "what on earth was I thinking?!" I don't have a ton of those moments...but this week has been haunting. And to ADD to that, I discovered in a conversation with my mamma this weekend, that she and my dad went through similar things. Ugh...it's the shallow-ness that stings! :)
Saturday, Nick had his third game of the season. The Junior Falcons pulled off a 29-0 win and are now 3-0. I don't understand football all that much, and get an absolute KICK out of asking my dad "Mr. All American Football Player," questions during a game. Better than that...I thoroughly enjoy the banter between him and my mom. I wish I could have been a fan in the stands when my mom and dad were dating...dad playing, mom cheering. How cute they must have been!(I will post pictures of the next few topics later....my blog is having issues, and I'm getting a tad sleepy!)
Saturday night, I was able to jam out of church early and catch my brother's show at the river bottoms. Ah...they get better and better every time I see them live. I can not describe the emotions I feel when I watch my baby brother on stage!!!
And today...we got to go see Bob in the hospital! I can not wait for him to get well. He is one of the most incredible kids in the world! UC Davis pediatric unit is one amazing place. So many kids...with different stories, different health issues, some with family...some without. I was cracking up today at the cuteness of Bob's "roomie." I sure would like to know his "story" but even without it...he touched my heart. With a curtain separating the two of them, he has become Bob's "best friend" and today, he became a blessing to me. Cute as a bug...and possessed all of the curiosity imaginable for a child of his age. After several moments of silence from his side of the room, I decided to walk over and take a peek at him. This little man had reached over and grabbed his desitin and was painting it all over his little body! I know I shouldn't have...but I busted up in laughter! (Then...we informed a nurse.)It was so stinking cute! As was little Bob...
So...a great week. A pretty incredible week, all the way around. I am loving life, loving family, and loving dear friends.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Mainland
I just wanted to take a few minutes and brag on my baby brother...sometimes I don't think I do that enough!
His band, The Mainland is currently featured on purevolume.com under picks and promos. They were also recently nominated for the Malibu music awards for best rock band and will be performing at the awards later this month. (malibumusicawards.com)
I love seeing him have such a passion for music and sometimes I feel as though I want to live vicariously through him. :) I am proud of his determination and proud of his talent. I always wished that I had the gift of song writing and admire him for using the gifts he was given.
I know that starting out with very little has been difficult, but I also know that he, of all the people I know has the willpower and spunk in him to give it everything he has...

His band, The Mainland is currently featured on purevolume.com under picks and promos. They were also recently nominated for the Malibu music awards for best rock band and will be performing at the awards later this month. (malibumusicawards.com)
I love seeing him have such a passion for music and sometimes I feel as though I want to live vicariously through him. :) I am proud of his determination and proud of his talent. I always wished that I had the gift of song writing and admire him for using the gifts he was given.
I know that starting out with very little has been difficult, but I also know that he, of all the people I know has the willpower and spunk in him to give it everything he has...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Another Quick Re-Cap
I love three day weekends. I would love them MORE if they didn't go by so quickly!

On Friday night, I decided to take Nick to a high school football game. I think we will be doing more of this since he is playing football and I don't mind. It totally takes me back in time! Sutter High School is where my brother Josh graduated from, so I am familiar with the coaching staff, and it was great to have the opportunity to catch up with an old friend. He was a little hoarse from the game...but understandable! :)
Saturday morning, we headed back down to Sacramento to see Bob in the hospital. He has been moved from the PICU and was a completely different little boy in just a few days! He was laughing...and talking...and happy! He connected with Nick, which was amazing to watch and aside from the cast and the bandages...you'd never know he's been through so much this past week.
I am still overwhelmed with this whole situation. And there isn't a doubt in my mind that God has something absolutely incredible planned out for this little guy's life!
Today was Nick's 2nd league game against Yuba City, and they won 38-0!!! Which meant that Nick had more playing time...and in a little over a month has officially torn apart his cleats.
Sunday night...One day of the weekend to go. And hoping that it takes its time! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Week of Healing and Recovery....
First of all...it is September 3 and 100+ degrees outside. I am SO ready for fall to arrive!

This week has been a week of healing and recovery, for me mentally and for a few very special little kids.
I have been utterly amazed at the amount of support that has been poured out this week. It's tragic when something like this happens, and even more heartbreaking when there are children involved. All are recovering. The little girl who had lost part of her leg remains at Stanford Medical Center in the Bay area. She has not become conscious as of yet and still needs a ton of prayer. She is six years old...
Two of the other children, ages 9 and 15 months were treated and released suffering minor injuries.
Little Bob...is hanging in there! :) I just received word that he'll have to go back in to the OR next week for a skin graft on his little leg. His right leg is broken so both are in casts. I had the honor of getting in to see him Wednesday afternoon and i just wanted to hold his little hand. He is SUCH a doll! I took in a bag of goodies for him to play with while he's in a hospital bed. Nick carefully (and wisely) picked up a box set of dinosaurs which has since been Bob's favorite! ...Such a crappy thing for a 3 year old to go through. I know that many of us wish this could all just go away...
Bob's mom, who was driving the car seemed to be in pretty good spirits during my visit. I think that she has accepted the fact that the most important thing she should concentrate on right now is her child getting better. And he's getting better and better by the day.

I am SO ready for a three day weekend! ...not that I have much "down" time...but at least I'll be doing enjoyable activities and not answering phones in an office! :)
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