Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is it Friday YET?!

Often times I wonder how I can possibly find the time in my days to blog...but I do. And I think that one of the reasons I make the time is based solely on the fact that blogging is like therapy to me. Growing up, I was devout in journaling. Then I reached a point in my life when I thought to myself, "Oh holy's time to dispose of these!" and so I did. Enter the wonderful world of "blogging" and in essence, journaling. So this is my "therapy." Oh, you poor, poor readers! ...All FIVE of you! :) For my "facebook" friends who may have caught a few of the "status updates" this week, it is no secret that this week has been extremely frustrating for me. Let me rephrase that...there has been one person who has frustrated the heck out of me this week. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid this person at the present time. I have decided that it would most definitely benefit me to study up on psychological disorders and the best way to deal with someone who may have one!!!

Anyway...I have found my peace in reading (BIG surprise!) a book that was given to me a few years ago. The "gift-giver" knew that I enjoyed reading Max Lucado and was gracious (and lucky) enough to give me one that I had not yet read. I am almost ashamed to admit this, but I began reading it shortly after it was given to me and then it got lost on my shelf! But with all my frustrations (and anger) this week I picked it up and started over. And today as I was was as though the author himself wrote in big red letters at the beginning of the chapter, "Angie...this is for you. I know you've had a bad week and because of the misfortune you have in being part of an unpleasant "atmosphere" during the day, I want to offer you "HOPE.""

Max Lucado's, 3:16 The Numbers of Hope:

The chapter is called, "What Makes Heaven Heavenly." I think that most Christians try to grasp, and sometimes paint their own pictures of what heaven is going to be like. Today, I was blessed with an encouraging outlook:

"God grants glimpses of this future state. Through it we see gold-drenched sunsets. Diamond-studded night skies. Rainbows so arched in splendor that we have to stop and sigh. Appetizers of heaven. ...Christ will descend in a city unlike any the earth has ever seen. ...The gates are never closed. Why shut them? The wicked will be quarantined, leaving only a perfect place of perfected people. ...You will be at your best forever. Even now you have your good moments. Occasional glimpses of your heavenly self. When you change your baby's diaper, forgive your boss's temper, tolerate your spouse's moodiness, you display traces of saintliness. It's the other moments that sour life.
But God impounds imperfections at his gate. Can you envision your sinless existence?
Just think what Satan has taken from you, even in the last few hours. You worried about a decision and envied someone's success, dreaded a conversation and resented an interruption. He's been prowling your environs all day, pickpocketing peace, joy, belly laughs, and honest love.
Satan will not lurk in heaven's gardens. He will not tempt; hence, you will not stumble. You will be at your best forever! ...And you'll enjoy everyone else at their prime! As it is, one of us is always a step behind. Bad moods infect the best of families. Complaints shadow the clearest days. Bad apples spoil bunches of us, but rotten fruit doesn't qualify for the produce section of heaven. All gossip excised and jealousy extracted. He will suction the last drop of orneriness from the most remote corners of our souls. No one will doubt your word, question your motives, or speak evil behind your back."
Sounds like "heaven" to me! :)
Similar to the words I read today, touching my heart when I most needed it, I was SO blessed this morning with one of the most amazingly beautiful sunrises that I have seen in a while. (or maybe I just took notice of it today) But either way, I give God the credit! :) It was my "glimpse," my desperately needed reassurance that there is so much more beyond the cranky, sometimes unbearable people that we interact with on this earth. And even if I spend 8 hours a day with someone that is difficult to deal with, it will one day come to an end.
A friend suggested that I approach my frustrations in a different way. Rather than constantly fighting the urge to make hand gestures, I should say a prayer instead. I like that idea better!

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