From the book, "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn...
"Jonathan Edwards, the great Puritan preacher, often spoke of heaven. He said, "It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward heaven...to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?""
The past few days I have felt as though life's "dramas" have been out of control. Maybe I was taking things more personal than they were intended, but as of this very moment I am letting them go.
I picked up this book shortly after my grandfather passed away last year. I have read a few chapters and then had to put it down due to the fact that this material is very "deep"...I'm attached to the "simple" Christian books (Max Lucado) and this one is a read a paragraph...re-read the paragraph...and then read it again! It's good, don't get me wrong. Just different than what I normally read!
So today...would have been my grandpa's 86th birthday. And I'm wishing more than ever I was back in Iowa with my grandma because his passing has been so difficult for her. And it's been difficult on me. I know that he's in a better place, and for that I am happy. However, my heart truly aches for the brokenness that my grandmother goes through every day.

My grandpa was the best...all of my memories of him are wonderful....meaningful. He was an amazing man. He wasn't "perfect", but who is? I miss him. I'm sure he's with friends today, cracking jokes and performing the bird dance. ...but also missing and watching over his beloved wife.
Happy birthday grandpa. We sure do miss you...
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