Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Ponderings for Today it is:
I've had a rough time (not really "rough") but a lot of things have been going on and weighing on me lately. Is it time to start looking for a new job? (They're not all that easy to come by now-a-days) How am I going to swing rent with the loss of a roommate? (And if I DO look for a new job, can I afford to take a possible pay-cut?) Finances are tight.

I was hit with a very abnormal feeling yesterday, by means of illness. I spent four hours at Kaiser ER, with a doctor who diagnosed me with the exact thing I had "self-diagnosed" it as being. The main reason I went to the ER was with the hope that they could shoot something in me that would cause the symptoms to disappear. No such luck. What causes "vertigo" anyway? Stress? I think I've denied it for long enough. I haven't been at peace with much in my life.

Then...I'm driving through Sac today on my way home. Thankful it wasn't 24 hours earlier yet desperately wishing it was 365 days ago when my life was at a high point...when I thought the future held so much promise...when I was very curious and anxious to see what 2008 would bring to my life. 2008 wasn't a "dreadful" year, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have high expectations for it. I know that the year brought me much needed perspective, so I'm not regretting anything. ...and truthfully I have intentions of doing a "best of" blog within the next few days. back to the drive home.

I was driving down Truxel, heading to the Shell station and I notice this man, fully dressed in "Statue of Liberty" attire. He's standing at a pretty busy intersection spinning a sign, advertising tax preparation (something else that I'm dreading to do). I couldn't help but chuckle. Ok...I couldn't help but bust out in laughter. How much could these people possibly get paid?! I've been told close to $15/hour, and in my opinion they DESERVE it! He was jammin'! As I pulled in to gas up, I knew that this was probably "wrong" but I just had to...

...kind of made me feel better.

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