However...I was wrong. (Right in that my son had the flu but I couldn't have asked for a better day.)
Earlier this week I was "tagged" on facebook. Apparently someone wanted to get to know me better, and I was to fill out "25 Random Things" about me. So I did, and for those of you who don't have access to facebook, this is what I wrote: (all others, feel free to skip over it!)
1. I was the 6th grade girls arm wrestling champion, edging out someone who eventually became my best friend that same year. We've been best friends ever since.
2. I have never been married, however I have a 12 year old son who is amazing.
3. One of my biggest struggles yet greatest blessings is being a single parent.
4. One of my greatest fears is growing old alone.
5. Two of the most peaceful sounds in the world are the ocean waves and a running stream.
6. If I had a ton of money that I could spend, the first thing I would buy is my old farmhouse and the acres surrounding it. (THEN I would destroy the go kart track that now sits on the property!)
7. The one place that I would LOVE to travel to is the Holy Land...and walk where Jesus walked.
8. I work two jobs. Full time as an office manager, part time as child care staff at my church. The first one pays the bills, the second one is where my passion lies.
9. When I worked at McDonalds I was held at gunpoint during an armed robbery.
10. I have been fortunate to meet some extremely incredible people throughout my life...placed in it for a reason.
11. If I could go back in time, I would choose to go back to my elementary years...when things were simple and we were "simple-minded".
12. I try my best to live my life having no regrets. I believe if something doesn't work out there is ALWAYS a valuable lesson to be learned, you just have to be patient until it is revealed.
13. I try to remind myself that no matter how bad I think things may be...somewhere there is someone who would feel differently if placed in my shoes.
14. I still remember the smell of my grandma's house in DeWitt and it's been 13 years since I was there. I miss my grandma.
15. I love the memories of dancing the "Chicken Dance" (or Bird Dance) at my grandparents house. (When my grandpa passed away this past year, I pictured him entering Heaven while doing this dance!)
16. My parents divorced in the summer of 1993. They remarried in November of that same year.
17. The number one thing that I miss the most about Iowa is the thunder/lightning storms. Number two is the fireflies!
18. One of my "bonding" activities with my son is hanging out and watching WWE.
19. Photography is what I consider to be my therapy. I love taking time whenever I can to venture out on "photo excursions".
20. You will RARELY ever see me in shorts or a dress.
21. Honesty and trust are two of the greatest "tools" in any relationship.
22. I have learned that we will never receive answers to all of the questions in this life. And I'm ok and at peace with "not knowing".
23. True friends will remain true friends, no matter how moody, how psycho, or how completely messed up you can be at times.
24. Those friends should NEVER be taken for granted.
25. In the 35 (almost 36) years of my life...I have held on to and cherished some AMAZING memories! My present character has been developed based on them. I am EXTREMELY blessed to have an incredible son, Godly parents, a loyal family and faithful friends.
I think that birthdays have a way of bringing out a FLOOD of memories. And today...I was absolutely overwhelmed with birthday wishes from people that I haven't heard from in 18 years. And most of them, I thought I'd never hear from again! However I am SO blessed to have so many people take the time just to say "happy birthday." From the moment I got out of bed this morning I was getting text messages. Even having my dad call me this afternoon practically brought tears to my eyes! (and I talk to him every week! At least once!)
There are SO many things we seem to take for granted in our lives, and I don't even know why! But what I do know, is that I want to be more conscious of those things. I want to stop... every moment of every day and be thankful, to be grateful, and to completely take time to realize just how fortunate, how truly blessed I am for having so many incredible people in my life. I desperately needed this reminder today, even if it came at the expense of becoming another year older!