Saturday, January 31, 2009

7.6 Miles

I'm really going to try and put into words what an absolutely amazing day we had today!

It started off early (7am) and hopefully you can see the reason why. First of all, I want to mention how incredible it is whenever you have the opportunity to take a day and spend it with someone who shares an interest and has an appreciation for photography. There are so many moments that I would like to pull off on the side of the road and take pictures of something I consider to be beautiful, but rarely take the time to do so. However as of today I have decided that I am going to begin to seize those moments.

I think that it's pretty safe to say that both Rebecca and I knew that if we couldn't get any other decent shots from the day, we were going to be content knowing that we got these!

We arrived at Feather Falls around 9am and I think we may have been one of the first ones there. There was a little disappointment when we discovered that there were no ladybugs, but we weren't going to allow that to ruin the rest of the day.

The hike to the falls had two routes. One that was longer-but easier, and the other was shorter-and more strenuous. We chose the shorter. (did I mention more strenuous?) This sign says 3.3 miles, but there is an additional .5 miles marked on the path.

Now I'd like to introduce you to Feather Falls:

It was absolutely breathtaking.

Here's a shot of Nick "taking a breather"!

I was overwhelmed with God's creation, and was amazed when I'd look around and see damage from forest fires. The crazy part was...even though there was visible damage, there was SO MUCH LIFE! I can't even begin to explain it!

In addition to the beauty I could see with my eyes, my sense of smell was in overdrive! It seemed as though every turn in the path would bring about a new scent. From fresh air, to pine, to marsh, to spring water.

It was a perfect day...and if anyone has the opportunity to venture out this is a must do!

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Reminder of my Blessings...

So today was the day that I officially joined the "over 35" club. This wasn't a day that I was particularly looking forward to. And to add to the initial "lack of enthusiasm" the sound of a 12 year old getting sick in the bathroom right around midnight, I figured today was going to be just another day.

However...I was wrong. (Right in that my son had the flu but I couldn't have asked for a better day.)

Earlier this week I was "tagged" on facebook. Apparently someone wanted to get to know me better, and I was to fill out "25 Random Things" about me. So I did, and for those of you who don't have access to facebook, this is what I wrote: (all others, feel free to skip over it!)

1. I was the 6th grade girls arm wrestling champion, edging out someone who eventually became my best friend that same year. We've been best friends ever since.
2. I have never been married, however I have a 12 year old son who is amazing.
3. One of my biggest struggles yet greatest blessings is being a single parent.
4. One of my greatest fears is growing old alone.
5. Two of the most peaceful sounds in the world are the ocean waves and a running stream.
6. If I had a ton of money that I could spend, the first thing I would buy is my old farmhouse and the acres surrounding it. (THEN I would destroy the go kart track that now sits on the property!)
7. The one place that I would LOVE to travel to is the Holy Land...and walk where Jesus walked.
8. I work two jobs. Full time as an office manager, part time as child care staff at my church. The first one pays the bills, the second one is where my passion lies.
9. When I worked at McDonalds I was held at gunpoint during an armed robbery.
10. I have been fortunate to meet some extremely incredible people throughout my life...placed in it for a reason.
11. If I could go back in time, I would choose to go back to my elementary years...when things were simple and we were "simple-minded".
12. I try my best to live my life having no regrets. I believe if something doesn't work out there is ALWAYS a valuable lesson to be learned, you just have to be patient until it is revealed.
13. I try to remind myself that no matter how bad I think things may be...somewhere there is someone who would feel differently if placed in my shoes.
14. I still remember the smell of my grandma's house in DeWitt and it's been 13 years since I was there. I miss my grandma.
15. I love the memories of dancing the "Chicken Dance" (or Bird Dance) at my grandparents house. (When my grandpa passed away this past year, I pictured him entering Heaven while doing this dance!)
16. My parents divorced in the summer of 1993. They remarried in November of that same year.
17. The number one thing that I miss the most about Iowa is the thunder/lightning storms. Number two is the fireflies!
18. One of my "bonding" activities with my son is hanging out and watching WWE.
19. Photography is what I consider to be my therapy. I love taking time whenever I can to venture out on "photo excursions".
20. You will RARELY ever see me in shorts or a dress.
21. Honesty and trust are two of the greatest "tools" in any relationship.
22. I have learned that we will never receive answers to all of the questions in this life. And I'm ok and at peace with "not knowing".
23. True friends will remain true friends, no matter how moody, how psycho, or how completely messed up you can be at times.
24. Those friends should NEVER be taken for granted.
25. In the 35 (almost 36) years of my life...I have held on to and cherished some AMAZING memories! My present character has been developed based on them. I am EXTREMELY blessed to have an incredible son, Godly parents, a loyal family and faithful friends.

I think that birthdays have a way of bringing out a FLOOD of memories. And today...I was absolutely overwhelmed with birthday wishes from people that I haven't heard from in 18 years. And most of them, I thought I'd never hear from again! However I am SO blessed to have so many people take the time just to say "happy birthday." From the moment I got out of bed this morning I was getting text messages. Even having my dad call me this afternoon practically brought tears to my eyes! (and I talk to him every week! At least once!)

There are SO many things we seem to take for granted in our lives, and I don't even know why! But what I do know, is that I want to be more conscious of those things. I want to stop... every moment of every day and be thankful, to be grateful, and to completely take time to realize just how fortunate, how truly blessed I am for having so many incredible people in my life. I desperately needed this reminder today, even if it came at the expense of becoming another year older!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Breath of Fresh Air...LITERALLY!

So we had a break in the rain this afternoon and I had the opportunity to travel (a whopping 5 minutes!) and go on a short photo excursion with my son. (who is developing an interest in photography as well!)
A friend of mine at church recommended this little spot so I had to check it out! Before we left though, I snapped this first one...

The next ones were taken in Marysville...I had a hard time deciding which ones I liked the best out of the next two...

So we walked around a bit to see what we could discover...

It was such an enjoyable hour...just hanging out with my boy and taking some pictures...

and enjoying the great weather!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

There's Beauty in the "Dreary Days"

So, the rain is back! However, It's not bothering me as much as it usually does. (I'm itching to get out and take pictures, but what else is new?)

Amidst my "Saturday cleaning" I did find time to sneak out and see what I could find around the apartment complex...

Nothing entirely impressive, I know. Welcome to my parking lot!

...still playing around. (I think I took about 100 pictures of this plant!)
And finally some indoor shots:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Weekend with the Family

So I received a call this past week from my aunt that lives in Washington, and she asked what if we had plans for the weekend. (As if my family EVER has "plans"!) But rather than traveling to Iowa in the middle of a blizzard, she and her family decided to travel to the golden state...and visit us! Here are the "ladies" enjoying some January sun...

(I know...we're an attractive group of gals.)

Em and Nick climbed "the" tree...

while Landon took a breather.

Here are my aunt and uncle...they ALWAYS seem so in love, it's way too cute!

And then my Matt acted as if he knew how to play the guitar...right!

While some of the fam played Phase 10, I sat and listened to my brother and cousin "play"...

What a"fun" weekend. I wish we saw them more often...

Oh yeah, and just to add a little jealously to my family and friends that are in -degree temps this is what we saw this weekend...

Friday, January 16, 2009


From the book, "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn...

"Jonathan Edwards, the great Puritan preacher, often spoke of heaven. He said, "It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?""

The past few days I have felt as though life's "dramas" have been out of control. Maybe I was taking things more personal than they were intended, but as of this very moment I am letting them go.

I picked up this book shortly after my grandfather passed away last year. I have read a few chapters and then had to put it down due to the fact that this material is very "deep"...I'm attached to the "simple" Christian books (Max Lucado) and this one is a read a the paragraph...and then read it again! It's good, don't get me wrong. Just different than what I normally read!

So today...would have been my grandpa's 86th birthday. And I'm wishing more than ever I was back in Iowa with my grandma because his passing has been so difficult for her. And it's been difficult on me. I know that he's in a better place, and for that I am happy. However, my heart truly aches for the brokenness that my grandmother goes through every day.

My grandpa was the best...all of my memories of him are wonderful....meaningful. He was an amazing man. He wasn't "perfect", but who is? I miss him. I'm sure he's with friends today, cracking jokes and performing the bird dance. ...but also missing and watching over his beloved wife.

Happy birthday grandpa. We sure do miss you...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Mother's Pride

So...something pretty amazing happened this past weekend after one of our church services. As I was getting ready to leave Saturday night, my son walked up to me with this strange expression and tone in his voice. He came up to me quietly and said, "Mom, I think _____ is out of prison." I asked him why he thought that and he replied, "Because I think he's here." Me, being the "curious" person that I am and having known this individuals parents for years, made my way out of the nursery to see, as well as introduce myself to this particular person.

For those of you reading this that don't know the story, shortly after the Virginia Tech tragedy there was a local threat made (allegedly) to the schools which caused most of them to go into lock down. I remember this day very clearly. My mom had called with the news as soon as I arrived at work. The story itself was bad...and the end of the story was the reality that we knew this person. was the beginning of what could have been a parent's worst nightmare. Thankfully, it wasn't.

Anyway, the other night I was speaking with this family and introduced myself to their son. It was then that my son came to my side and I introduced the two of them. (now for obvious reasons, Nick knew exactly who this person was) And it was at that moment, when my own child extended a Christ-like act of grace and compassion. He immediately extended his hand to shake the hand of a convicted felon. Here was this 12-year old child, displaying an act of kindness and in his own little gesture, forgiveness. It hit me pretty hard. How often do grown adults fail to do this very thing? How quickly we forget that God has shown undeserving grace and mercy to all of us, yet when it comes to us showing mercy to others? We seem to find every excuse under the sun as to why we shouldn't. As I watched Nick, there was absolutely no hesitation in his actions. And that brought tears to my eyes and blessed my heart.

Matthew 9:10-13 says, "While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means. 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.""
12-13 in the Message reads, (and I love this...) "Jesus, overhearing, shot back, "Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: 'I'm after mercy, not religion.' I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders."

...loving the unlovable, showing compassion to the "least of these," granting what we may consider to be "undeserving mercy."

My son taught me a lesson this weekend...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Simple Sunday...

Today was just one of those days that you don't want to spend indoors. It's been rainy and foggy for what seems like an eternity, but this weekend we were fortunate to catch a break in the weather and there was no way that I wanted to pass up on an opportunity to grab the camera and get outside.
Immediately this morning, as I was walking through the church, I looked outside and this first picture is what I saw. I am learning that no matter where you go, always have your camera!

After church Nick and I headed up into the foothills with a friend of mine and his daughter to take advantage of the clear skies and warm weather. Keith happens to own a few four-wheelers, and I am pretty much always open to adventure, so we...(actually, he loaded them up) and we headed east.

Nick has never driven a quad before, so he was introduced to them and it didn't take long before he was comfortable to "man" one on his own. I was pretty shocked that he was given free reign, but grateful that Keith gave him the opportunity to explore. Nick had a blast, and today has been dubbed one of the most enjoyable days he has ever had.

And I enjoyed watching his excitement as well as catching a few shots of the kids.

Keith's daughter gave me a little tour of the area which was when we stumbled upon this...

I love those days when you can escape the world and just be free. It's "therapy" to me. And if the afternoon wasn't already wonderful enough, we came back into town and had pizza, which was a perfect ending to the perfect day...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Ponderings for Today it is:
I've had a rough time (not really "rough") but a lot of things have been going on and weighing on me lately. Is it time to start looking for a new job? (They're not all that easy to come by now-a-days) How am I going to swing rent with the loss of a roommate? (And if I DO look for a new job, can I afford to take a possible pay-cut?) Finances are tight.

I was hit with a very abnormal feeling yesterday, by means of illness. I spent four hours at Kaiser ER, with a doctor who diagnosed me with the exact thing I had "self-diagnosed" it as being. The main reason I went to the ER was with the hope that they could shoot something in me that would cause the symptoms to disappear. No such luck. What causes "vertigo" anyway? Stress? I think I've denied it for long enough. I haven't been at peace with much in my life.

Then...I'm driving through Sac today on my way home. Thankful it wasn't 24 hours earlier yet desperately wishing it was 365 days ago when my life was at a high point...when I thought the future held so much promise...when I was very curious and anxious to see what 2008 would bring to my life. 2008 wasn't a "dreadful" year, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have high expectations for it. I know that the year brought me much needed perspective, so I'm not regretting anything. ...and truthfully I have intentions of doing a "best of" blog within the next few days. back to the drive home.

I was driving down Truxel, heading to the Shell station and I notice this man, fully dressed in "Statue of Liberty" attire. He's standing at a pretty busy intersection spinning a sign, advertising tax preparation (something else that I'm dreading to do). I couldn't help but chuckle. Ok...I couldn't help but bust out in laughter. How much could these people possibly get paid?! I've been told close to $15/hour, and in my opinion they DESERVE it! He was jammin'! As I pulled in to gas up, I knew that this was probably "wrong" but I just had to...

...kind of made me feel better.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pure Enjoyment

You know what I absolutely love? Afternoons when I have nothing to do but sit around and truly appreciate some relaxation! Today has been one of those days for me.
It's days like today when I can fully enjoy a clear well as the following:

Getting a kick out of kitten #1, and our "new" addition:

I can watch my son play...

And I can work on my own little "projects"

...then sit by a fire and have a meal.

Simple things, make the best days!!!