I grabbed my camera with the rest of the adults and headed outside to join the little ones.
I honestly can't remember when the last time was that I actually flew a kite. Nick went through a handful of kites over the years, but as luck would have it, we never really had windy enough days or a spacious enough backyard to fully be able to experience the wonder of a kite flying high in the sky...
So I may not remember when the last time was that I flew a kite, but I will never forget what it was like to fly one as a child. To see an object gliding high in the sky above you, twisting and turning, yet...free. I remember sometimes feeling as though I wished I were a kite. What would everything look like from way up there? How would it feel to have the push of the wind behind you, come up underneath, and carry you through the air?

And no matter what happens, no matter what we do or where we go, He doesn't let us out of His sight. He never lets us go. He provides the wind and He carries us. If our resistence between us and Him severs the string, He is quick to repair it. If we find ourselves hung up in a tree, He climbs up to rescue us. When our nosedive into the ground below bends or breaks any part of us, He restores us to better than new.
In a sense we are all better off than a tangible kite. Because when the day is over, when the wind stops, or the thrill of flying a kite is outgrown, the kite is stored in the rafters of the garage or maybe even thrown away. The Creator of our being says that we belong to Him...forever.
And I can't wait to see the view from Eternity!
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