Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have Finally Decided...

After 36 years, I have finally discovered what it is that I want to be when I "grow up." This "revelation" occurred as I was cleaning and doing laundry tonight.

How does a box of Gain laundry detergent have anything to do with what I want to be? Well...I'm glad you asked! A closer look reveals this:

Tell me, who gets that job? "Here you go, Jimmy. Take this box and tell me how many loads of laundry you get out of it." (I don't know why I used "Jimmy" so don't ask) Seriously though, is that a "job?" If so, it has to be one of the least stressful ones out there!

Here are a few more:

(...ok, you caught me, I make cookies from a bag! And I'm sorry...but 3 dozen?! I'm lucky if I get half that!

"I didn't get 7-8 pancakes, sir."..."Well Bobby, did you make them exactly 4-inches? Give it another try."

Again... "Hey Kelly, I need for you to take this candle and see how long it takes before it burns out. By the way, don't fall asleep!"

Nah...I like my job (one of them!) I love it actually.

Cleaning tonight (along with a phone conversation with my best friend today) got me to thinking. Seldom are we fortunate, or blessed enough to find an occupation that we are passionate about. Don't get me wrong...some have. But more than a job that I love, I want lives to be touched. When I leave this world, I truly hope that people can look back at whatever role I played in their life and say, "that girl did it right." I want my son to have the greatest memories of things we did together, or times that the two of us just sat and laughed. I want my brothers to say, "you know, we had our sibling rivalries, but I couldn't have asked for a better sister, or friend." If by chance my "time" comes before my parents, I want more than anything for them to sit back and say, "we must have done something right." I want my friends to sit down and have a good, long, hard laugh at the crazy times we shared. And there may even be someone I didn't really know that well, a single parent...and I'd like for them to say, "she did it, and she did an incredible job." ...for a sweet child that I see a few days a week in childcare to say, "she loved on me when I needed it most."

That's what I want to be...someone that "lives." Fully, and completely. Someone that plays with the cards she's dealt the best way that she can.

What do you want to be?

1 comment:

M. Todd Moore said...

I discovered my true calling... to be a teacher. I am now, at age 39, finally going back to school to get my credential. It's never too late. You are only 36... what's your excuse? ;)