Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Wait?

Oh my goodness...I can not believe I have neglected to blog for three months!

Writing isn't so much of a passion to me as it is a type of "therapy." One might assume that based on my absence in the blogging realm, I must not need therapy! I would have to say that would be a poor assumption and that in all honesty, I have really missed blogging... My hiatus has consisted of nothing more than pure happiness and extreme enjoyment of life. I've taken a trip, planned another really exciting trip, and lessened my work load from full time to part time. I am anticipating this to be one of my greatest years yet, even though I'm finding myself closer and closer to my 40 year mark. I mean "milestone!" Anyway...

This afternoon as I was driving in the rain (which has been lingering around northern Cal for weeks) I heard an old song on the radio that immediately soothed my soul. With my windshield wipers on high speed and rain battering on my car, God gently reminded me that this rain, this cold, and this dreariness is not going to last forever. This weather, these natural disasters, and the waging of war, is not eternal. He promises us that. Yes, these things are predestined to happen. BUT, He promises us a place where we will forever stand in the sun. Where we will be able to dance with Jesus surrounded by His glory and praise His name forever. In this place there will be no pain, no ridicule, no hatred, no sadness.

...I can only imagine...

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to talk on the phone with my baby brother. It has been well over a month since we chatted last. Once our "small talk" was over, he candidly asked me what I thought about all of the billboards and vans that are advertising the end of the world coming on May 21, 2011. I first heard about this so-called prophecy when I received their fliers in the mail at my work. My initial reaction was anger and frustration because all my life I've been told and have read Scripture which states that no one knows the day or the hour. Those are God's words. And for someone to proclaim that they have it all figured out, based on a theory using numbers, is in my opinion, calling God a liar. And their publicizing this all over the country could potentially turn non-believers even further away from God, if that's possible.

So here sits my brother, hundreds of miles away, asking me questions and for my opinion. The craziness in all of this, is knowing that he's questioning this right along with studying numerous other theories. And God's all but shaking me to use this opportunity, this divine appointment to further His kingdom. I'm not sure that anything is more important than sharing the gospel with those you love. Those you care about more than anyone else in this world, and fear that ultimately, they may not be in the same eternal destination as you. I don't know if my response to him was what he was searching for...but I do hope and pray that I was used to water the seed I know was planted in his life years ago.

So as I sat listening to this particular song, thoughts flooded into my mind and my heart was heavy. Can I imagine entering eternity, knowing that I didn't share the love of Jesus with those closest to me in this earthly life? It is so easy and peaceful when I sit and ponder how wonderful eternal life is going to be, why is it so hard to let others in on this amazing destination? It's no's not like there will only be "so much room" and guests will be turned away. The problem is, sometimes we just don't feel "comfortable" talking with others about it.

An even bigger problem, is that we will never know when Jesus is coming back for his people. And because of this reason alone, we should never be afraid to share the love of God.

Why wait?